French Onion With Beef Stock and Rice

Just 4 simple, pantry staple ingredients make up this rice side dish that will blow your mind!  Kids and adults alike will be begging you to make it again!

Yeah, you read that title correctly… stick of butter rice.  This rice dish is my family's favorite rice recipe… EVER.  And I'm betting that once you try it, it'll be your favorite too!  Guess how many ingredients are in this rice?  C'mon guess!  Okay, here's the answer….. 4.  4 ingredients.  Hello simple side dish!

Stick of Butter Rice | Just 4 simple, pantry staple ingredients make up with rice side dish that will blow your mind! Kids and adults alike will be begging you to make it again! |

The other best part about this recipe, is that it's completely fool-proof and incredibly low maintenance.  Even if you say you can't cook… you can cook this.  I guarantee it.  My 5 year old has made this before (all I did was the oven part).

You may have these ingredients on hand, which makes this recipe even more awesome!  Granted… this isn't a health-food side dish (I mean, c'mon… it's called stick of butter rice) lol… but honestly, I say go for it.  We all need an indulgence, and it's GOOD.

Around our house this dish is referred to as "brown rice" by my daughter, and if she had her way, we would eat this rice every single day lol.  It doesn't matter what else I serve with it… if this rice is on the table, it's "the best meal ever!!  Brown rice!!".  And that right there, makes Mama happy πŸ˜€

This rice isn't cooked on the stove top like most rice recipes are… it's baked in the oven.  So no burner is being taken up on your stove and you can slide the pan in the oven and forget about it πŸ™‚  Okay, well maybe notcompletelyforget about it lol.  But it bakes for an hour and all you have to do is remove the foil after 30 minutes.  Simple right?

So here's the breakdown… long grain white rice, can of beef broth, stick of butter, and a can of condensed french onion soup.  That's it!

This remarkably simple side dish is the best rice, ever!

This remarkably simple side dish is the best rice, ever!
Just combine the broth, onion soup, and rice. Slice the butter thinly and add to baking dish.

Cover with foil and bake at 425 for 30 minutes.  Take off foil and bake another 30 minutes.

This remarkably simple side dish is the best rice, ever!
Voila! Rice is done πŸ˜€
This remarkably simple side dish is the best rice, ever!
I know, I know… it's not much to look at. But the taste is INCREDIBLE!

Honestly, this dish looks pretty gross right?  The old saying "don't judge a book by it's cover" applies here… so don't judge a rice dish by it's looks.  Just take a bite and I promise you, you'll forget alllllllll about how it looks πŸ˜€

This rice would go really well with my Parmesan Crusted Chicken Nuggets , Jack Daniels Glazed Baked Chicken Wings  , or Low Carb Baked Chicken Tenders  πŸ™‚  A great add-in would be to add a can of sliced mushrooms to the mix… I haven't tried it yet, because the kids would balk at that lol.


Recipe from Thirty Handmade Days

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Did you make this? Be sure to leave a review below and tag me @the_chunky_chef on Facebook and Instagram!

Servings: 6 servings

(hover over # to adjust)

This remarkably simple side dish is the best rice, ever!

  • 1 cup uncooked long grain white rice NOT instant
  • 1 (10 oz) can of condensed French Onion Soup
  • 1 (10 oz) can of condensed Beef Broth
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter sliced thinly
  • Preheat oven to 425°F. Spray an 8x8 inch baking dish with cooking spray.

  • In prepared baking dish combine rice, soup and broth.

  • Cut butter into slices and place on top of the mixture.

  • Cover with foil and bake for 30 minutes.

  • Remove foil and bake 30 minutes more.

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The Chunky Chef is not a dietician or nutritionist, and any nutritional information shared is an estimate. If calorie count and other nutritional values are important to you, we recommend running the ingredients through whichever online nutritional calculator you prefer. Calories can vary quite a bit depending on which brands were used.

Stick of Butter Rice | Just 4 simple, pantry staple ingredients make up with rice side dish that will blow your mind! Kids and adults alike will be begging you to make it again! |

Hey there! I'm Amanda. Wife, mother, photography nerd, and bacon lover! I believe that delicious meals should be easy to make. Now that you're here, stay a bit, browse a few recipes, and let's get cookin'!

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